Elli is interested

Dr Ellionora Orpelli is something else again! Elli was a friend of my wife Jenny; a live wire, a bundle of fun, and a highly respected locum doctor at Jenny’s practice. Elli has always declared an interest in the work of BTMAT, and BTMAT has cherished its link with Elli, in the hope that one day, this admirable Italian doctor, might indeed commit in some voluntary way, to our work in Cameroon.

Tonight, after a postprandial whisky, and out of the blue, she did so. It was agreed that she, and an Italian colleague of hers – who is also interested to serve in the resource-poor world, – would decide which dates might be appropriate to them for a preliminary tour of our Cameroonian hospitals. The ball is in their court; I await their response; it is rather wonderful.

Watch this space.


Dr Ellionora Orpelli

Dr Ellionora Orpelli

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