Archive for January 2016 described our vision and design for a hostel (parent home) at Mbingo Baptist Hospital (MBH), our main childhood cancer treatment centre – for mothers or guardians of children with cancer.
The plans were approved and costed in 2015 and the foundations of this 16-room building were laid earlier this year – at a cost well within the original budget. We received the wonderful news earlier this month (June) that the UK charity, GoodNews Evangelical Foundation would grant us (BTMAT) £15000 towards building costs! This generous offer has now been matched by our friends at the charity, World Child Cancer! Building work is being undertaken by the Cameroon Baptist Convention (MBH) building team supervised by the MBH architect, an old friend and colleague of ours. Our hope is that work will be complete by the time of my next visit to Cameroon in November!
Foundations in place!
Paul Wharin (June 2016)