We now have permission to proceed with the building of a hostel for mothers of children with cancer treated under our programme. The plans have been approved and costed. Land was given in 2015 by the hospital board and foundations will be laid in January 2016.
At present the mother of a child receiving chemotherapy must camp out in the hospital grounds (for 2 to 4+ weeks)! This building will make a great difference, even reducing our bed occupancy costs – because a child who is well between chemotherapies will be able to leave the ward and join mother in the parent home. The design includes 4 en suite rooms which will be rented out to Cameroon Baptist Convention visitors and staff. The income (with only partial occupancy of the guest side) will easily cover the salary of a housekeeper. The intention is to make this part of our programme self-supporting.
Paul Wharin Jan. 2016