Thank you World Child Cancer
You will find reference to World Child Cancer elsewhere in this website. It is a British charitable organisation younger than our own, but bigger, mightily supported by influential people, and global in its reach. World Child Cancer seeks to support organisations that work for children with cancer anywhere in the world. It actively seeks out people…
From the World Child Cancer newsletter
“Our success at increasing our income last year means that we are able to launch new projects. Funding will start this month for a new project in Cameroon led by Professor Hesseling from South Africa. In March Professor Tim Eden, Medical Trustee, and other colleagues will visit Bangladesh to develop a new project in Dhaka…
Wheelchair appeal
Once again the good folk of Northamptonshire have come to the aid of the Trust. Since our item in this website in November 2011, ten chairs have been donated. Sadly two were faulty and too expensive to repair. Two others required a repaint with Hammerite silver. In all we have 8 perfectly respectable, serviceable wheelchairs.…
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